Sustainable Housing Supports Program

In October of 2023, Peak Vocational & Support Services launched a pilot project called the Safe Hotel Stays Program, funded through a grant provided by the Community Based Organization, Lethbridge Housing Authority. 

Peak identified a gap whereby individuals who frequently experienced homelessness & addictions would attend treatment, only to be discharged back into homelessness. Maintaining recovery while staying at the shelter or sleeping rough often proves to  be impossible, and many people relapse. 

The Safe Hotel Stays project aimed to fill that gap by facilitating access to a safe place to stay while looking for more permanent, sustainable housing. Individuals leaving controlled environments were the target population for the program (such as those who had successfully completed treatment, were being discharged from hospital, or completed a sentence at a correctional centre).

Peaks Housing Programs

Today, Peaks Sustainable Housing Solutions (SHS) program has 3 full time Intensive Case Managers and a half time funds administrator. SHS offers intensive case management services for up to 48 high acuity individuals, connecting them with sustainable housing by providing services through Outreach, Safe Hotel Stays, and Housing Management programs. Our highly skilled case managers have extensive training to deliver exceptional quality case management services for participants with multiple complex barriers and needs.


Participants are supported to address their housing readiness needs & build recovery capital: 

  • Obtaining ID 
  • Opening bank accounts
  • Securing income 
  • Referrals for employment, resume writing, job skills training
  • PDD referrals
  • Cultural connection 
  • Identifying barriers
  • Referrals for funds administration
  • Addressing transportation needs i.e.addressing barriers to getting connected with city transit, access a ride
  • Referrals and connection to family doctor, mental health therapists, dental, vision, hearing, etc.
  • Community and inpatient treatment referrals, connection with 12 step meetings, and encouragement & motivation to address addictions 
  • Understanding landlord/tenant rights & responsibilities
  • Expanding and integrating the individual’s support system through appropriate program referrals 
  • Referral to low income housing

Safe Hotel Stays

Once participants have addressed their housing readiness needs SHS may provide support by helping to secure transitional housing – such as a hotel, or other short term accommodations

Individuals supported through Safe Hotel Stays are expected to contribute financially towards their stay and should already have sustainable income in place. 

While accessing a Safe Hotel Stay participants develop skills in budgeting and guest management. They may also have the opportunity to obtain a valuable reference from the hotel or landlord; a statement that they followed the rules, kept their suite in an orderly fashion, paid their rent on time, and managed guests effectively. 

Maintaining Housing

SHS assists with ensuring the participant has everything in place to remain successfully housed including: 

  • Assessing & addressing any unmet housing readiness needs
  • Getting to know their neighborhood and/or apartment building 
  • Building a network of natural and paid supports
  • Connection with local food & furniture banks
  • Identifying required supplies
  • Budgeting or making referrals for funds administration as required
  • Addressing barriers to obtain basic necessities
  • Developing skills and/or support to keep the home in good condition
  • Appropriate community referrals
  • Crisis planning
  • Referrals for rent supplements
  • Strategies to maintain good relationships with landlords 

Referral Pathways

Potential participants can be referred  through the Community Based Organization (CBO) Lethbridge Housing Authority’s (LHA) Community Access Round Table (CART).

CART referrals can be found at the Lethbridge Housing Authority Website. Instructions for how to complete and submit the referral can be found on the first page of the referral package.

CART Referrals can also be made through the Community Links desk at the Lethbridge Downtown Library

***Case management services provided are temporary in nature. Participants must be actively engaged in their case management in order to ensure they continue to hold a place with SHS.